Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Why mosquitos tend to favor on some people?

When i was young (ceh...macam lah sia nie suda tua..umur baru jah setahun sayur sawi..LOL) i never thought about this. But when i get older (walaupun indak tua sangat) and my friends asked me once about why mosquitos like to bite them. This happened paticularly in the jungle (mimang lah tiada kalau tengah laut..) when we were camping. Quite interesting isn't? yahlah..just imagine...about 5 of you di tengah-tengah hutan and sure punya one of your members mesti paling banyak kena gigit nyamuk. I never thought there are some "silly billy" researcher attempt to prove their theory that mosquitos tend to favor on people based on the body's chemical odors.

Not very sure about body's chemical odors, but if i not carbon dioxide and latic acid are among their favourite (and many more i guess..about 300-400 types of chemical odors in our body). And based on the research (not finalize yet..kira nie kajian awal lah nie) actually mosquitos use smell to communicate. Memang hebat kan? and it says nyamuk boleh berkomunikasi sesama sendiri lebih kurang jarak 30 - 40 meters dengan menggunakan deria bau.

So back to the article i've read this afternoon, it says each of us produce different quantities of body's chemical odors. So the more carbon dioxide and latic acid your body produces, means the higher chance for the mosquitos to "SUCK YOUR BLOOD". I think this is true because...i remember last time my friends were first time went to the jungle and they were a bit nervous. Remember if you are absoultely sweating....butul kah indak???? then...when you are sweating.. means your body is producing lactic acid and more carbon dioxide. So that's why....nyamuk lebih cenderung untuk hisap darah u all. However...the initial research says when the combination of your body's smell are too much it could misslead the mosquitos. This means, one of the way to avoid mosquitos when u are in the jungle is put some perfume on your body (remember...not on your chlotes...because it doesn't change your body's smell).

Nah....don't you think is it interesting fact?????? for me it is very very interesting and i would like to try it...

BTW...they are doing a research about whether the blood's taste could influence the mosquitos. Kalau lah is mempengaruhi...perghhhh...memang malang lah nasib orang yang mempunyi darah yang manis dan digemeri nyamuk..LOL!!!


Alya Shaka said...

uiks sy mmg favorite nyamuk! org lain relaks jer tp sy misti garu sana sini..haha. now i know why its happen to me..

Unknown said...

I read that article too...emm..nyamuk memang suka sa oww.. byk la carbon dioxide and acis latic sa ni..hehee

KenMAHD said...

Len kali mo mandi bunga sama spray bynk2 perfume lu la sblm masuk hutan.. *-*

Wel^Beiolman said...

interesting jg ni tau...urang tua cakap sebab darah ko sedap ba tu..kalu ko jumpa vampire suru dia test and tanya la..hehe..

Andrik McVean said...

@shaka...nah..memang ko punya badan banyak produce karbon dioksida nie..LOL!!! jan ko nervous sangat bah...rilek2

@c.alv.b..i've read this frm yahoo...and very very interesting research..walaupun bulum sahih lagi

@ken..jangan jah silap taruh ridset...

Andrik McVean said...

@well....tiada juga vempire di sini malasyia tau..yang ada balan2 jah sama pontianak...mau pi oversea dulu lah baru dapat...rasa...LOL

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