Ops...it sounds he77!!! anyway!! Well, nothing interesting actually but i would like to share this situation happened to me (and some of my friends) when we were in Hadyai Thailand.
Mmmm..that night we were going back to the hotel and just had dinner. So we didn't plan anything instead of straight to where we stayed and have some rest. So we were in hurry going back and about 20 meters from where we were we saw a group of girls. Well, we didn't expect anything because we thought it might be a pub and the girls probably the waiteres (sebab memang tempat tuh a small pub bah!!).
So when we were approaching that place, the grils waving their hand to us and my very naughty friend waved his right hand (mimang nakal yang kawan sia satu nie). So we were there and there were about 5 girls at there (ngam2 kami pun lima urang bah..).
Girls: "Sawadekap...please come in and have some fun"
Me: (bah..matilah ari nie...)
My friends: Uiii..marilah kita masuk jah...kita minum coke jah bah..bukannya minum beer. So mau inda mau..terpaksa jah sia ikut (mimang mau pun..tapi berdebar2 dah jantung sia..).
Girl (one of them): She grabs my hand and took me inside the pub. (dalam hati masa tuh..eh..ada duit kah sia nie ar...bikin malu plak kalau bayar ngan kredit kard).
Me: Looking at the back and i didn't see my friends (ntah manalah diorang..mimang kejap jah kena telan thai girls)
Girl: Would u like to have a sit here? or you prefer a private room?
Me: Oh..here is fine (berpeluh uda tapak tangan....cepat jah darah sia mendidih masa tuh). I looked at the girl and i knew she wants something frm me. Then, want to gantlemen kunun...so i said what would u like to drink?
Girl: Well, beer is fine.
The waiter came to me and said: May i take your order sir?
Me: May i have coke and beer please?
Waiter: Big one?
Me: Nope!!! small is fine.
Girl: She put her hand on my back neck and she said...so...what do you think? u like me?
Me: Oh Yeah...how much? (nah..masa nie mimang darah suda mendidih naik atas kepala sia)
Girl: 20 dollars
Me: You mean 20 bath (dlm hati wah..murah nie!!!)
Girl: Ops.....i don't accept in bath sir..only dollar
Me: You mean US dollar??? (pukimas tul tau..jual mahal plak dia)
Girl: Of course
About 10 mins chatting, the waiter come and served the drink and I paid about RM 20 for the beer and RM 10 for the coke. Nah...melayang 300 bath sia malam tuh.
Well, since the girl said in USD, i said i must refuse it and yes I did. But the girl grab my hand and won't let me go. Hell...FUCK punya perempuan....BAU lagi napas dia tuh..kurang asam tul..
So i continued the chatting and after about 15 mins later, i said
"Excuse me...i would like to go to toilet..i'll be back in a few minutes"
She said: OKEY...btw, do you know where is the toilet?
Me: Oh yeah..(padahal....ndah pun sia tau).
So i stood up and went away frm the girl. Went out of the bar and straight to the hotel. I saw some of my friends were in the hotel already and two of them arrived later after me.
Pesanan: Thai Girl doesn't mean she is cheap...
BTW, my job is getting boring...can't wait to quit. LOL!!!