Tuesday 29 September 2009

Oh...shit!!!! masalah lagi pasal Visa pi UK..buduh tul...

Oh...no..this is another problem. I met a girl in Cititel Hotel last saturday during the exam. She is going to Australia for her master in Chemistry and i had quite a long conversation and fortunetly she asked me where would i like to go. I answered "UK and i said maybe manchester, sheffield or hertfordshire." She asked me again..have i booked the place. I said nope until IELTS exam result revealed.

Mmmm....as usual, chit chat punya chit chat...i suddenly asked her about student visa application and i asked what are the required documents need to be attached. She said...first of all, you should not have any loan in this country unless the country won't let you go out. Oh..shit!!!! less then a second i asked her...how about my student loan., which means PTPTN. She replied ....you must pay certain amount of money and at least quater of your loan. Oh....FUCK OFF!!!!! buduh tu...banyak juga mau di bayar tu kalau cam tuh....gia tul oh....i am very very upset at this moment.

I rang my sister for help. She silent and she said let me think about it. I rang education consultant for an advise and maybe for help...who knows they would be able to appeal. He is dealing with the problem now and i do hope this problem will be solved as soon as possible. Oh....no...it is not as easy as what i thought. My fingers are crossing hoping for a miracle.

P/S: It's been two weeks i didn't go to the gym. I went to the gym last night and i thought i overdone it. Now my abdomen is hurt and very very hurt. But still need to go tonight...ouch......to keep slim..bukan macam si babi gumuk...pemalas mau pi gym. Sedarlah diri tuh sikit!!!!! Kalau gemuk handsome inda palah..nie hudus mcm babi tua.


APRIL RD said...

really? nasib baik sia tia pakai loan o

Unknown said...

For student thats true..you must clear off your loan or pay quaterly. For those have a planned to visit.. your bank account must have at least 20K and paid all taxes..I think same apply to the student

Anonymous said...

I thought it apply to peminjam tegar only... if you keep on paying regardless of what amount also they will accept and not banning u from going oversea.... but make sure u pay continuously laa...

Andrik McVean said...

april...ok labah ko tuh..kalau sia noe masa degree tuh pakai loan...susah gak lah mau bayar...

Andrik McVean said...

@sumandak...mmm...actually at least rm 42k....long time ago 20k is enough but now must be 42k

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