Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Punca utama Esther kalah ditangan Tomok

Esther tumpas kerana peminat!!!

Huhuhu...the title is so classed. Don't you think so? Well, tidak habis dengan rungutan daripada banyak pihak mengenai kekalahnnya . Banyak pihak yang mengatakan sebab Esther kalah ditangan Tomok kerana TV8. Saya menyolongkar "dokumen-dokumen" yang ada di internet bagi mencari jawapan tersirat dan tersurat. Setelah membuat analisa mengenai kekalahan Esther di tangan Tomok, saya dapati dua alasan utama yang dilontarkan oleh peminat esther kepada TV8.

Pertama, peminat esther mendakwa bahawa TV8 menutup talian undian line Esther. Means, no matter how many votes you sent to vote esther the system would not accept your votes.
Bukan kerana talian sesak tapi kerana line for esther disekat/ditutup. How pity kalau lah benar this thing kan??

Secondly, peminat-peminat Esther menuduh TV8 merancang kemenangan Tomok. In fact, undian tomok yang terendah pada awal rancangan hanyalah gimik semata-mata agar kemenangan Tomok seolah-olah bukan dirancang. Wah...dangerous nie!!!!

Mmmm...another one i found Esther hanyalah dijadikan bahan boneka bagi meraih undi daripada penduduk sabah. Yalah, rancangan realiti di sabah kan popular. No one can deny it...google has proved it. You can see it from my last post.

Terdapat juga alasan-alasan lain yang diberikan oleh peminat-peminat esther. Seperti
1. Pemilihan lagu yang kurang menarik
2. Lagu baru tidak mencabar vokal esther. Malah kebanyakan not-not tersebut berentak sederhana and tiada climax.
3. Judges berat sebalah dalam memberi pujian para peserta.

Wah...what a briliant comments!!!All thoe commnts remainds me kekalahan Faizal Tahir ditangan Suki. A day after
OIAM 1 final, lots of comments i've read saying that Faizal Tahir kalah ditangan Suki because of line undian/talian ditutup.

But from my view of points actually the mistake was comes from Esther's fan. Why????? because they decided to choose 3 in the final instead of only 2. Well, i knew this things will happened when esther's fan blog suggest 3 in the final instead of two in the final. To be honset, me myself i voted more than 20 times on the 8tv pool and i choose only 2 in the final instead of three. But what to do???? When 90% have decided 3 in the grand final. I wanted to blog about this actually, but i just so busy last week and i did not have time to blog about my opinion
wether should choose 2 or 3. 

Don't say kemenangan tomok dirancang atau talian/line esther ditutup/disekat because it was RUBBISH and alasan-alasan yang lapuk dan tidak bernas. Saya sebagai orang komputer dan sangat-sangat memahami selok belok komputer atau network, ingin menjelaskan bahawa "packet" yang yang memasuki server is too much the line could be conjested. 

Just imagine, line is ibarat jalan raya and  packet (atau mewakili message yang dihantar) mewakili kereta. If too much packets or cars on the line or road, what happen to the road/the kelajuan? WELL THE ANSWER IS THE ROAD WILL BE CONJESTED (JALAN AKAN SESAK) AND KELAJUAN AKAN MENJADI PERLAHAN. So the same situation was happened last friday.

As a result??????? so many undian yang disekat especially maybe esther line. Well, actually no need to blame third parties!! blame yourself first because you choose three contastents instead of two. Just imagine if you all choose only two contastents, means Tomok have been voted out and for sure Esther will be the champion. But what to do?Its too late!!!!!! too late to regret! For me i do not regret because i spent quite a lot credit to vote Esther. But i did get upset because Esther's fan choose 3 contastents instead of only two. Now???? rasakan lah.....oren or cocola?? peace!!!!

Ops...and the worst thing i've read someone say "Woi...TV8 upgrade lah teknologi tuh supaya cepat sikit (it sounds something like that)". Wah....what the hell???? x paham how the telecommunication works memandai jer cakap nak upgrade. Let me tell you ya......actually before the packet masuk ke dalam mesin untuk mengira undian, you have to know yang packet will go to satelait first. Satelait yang malaysia lancarkan tuh....and from there,  satelait akan hantarkan packet yang kita hantar to the right server or mesin. So jangan salahkan TV8 sebab undian tak masuk, tapi salahkan kerajaan malaysia and ask them to upgrde the kelajuan satelait. But.....do you think malaysia is so stupid just because rancangan reality TV they will spend millions ringgit to upgrade? Lu pikiq lah sendiri. Better spend the millions ringgit untuk membantu rakyat sabah yang miskin. 

My review is no personal attack, just my opinion from the deep of my heart and soul (cheeeewahhhhh...hahahaha)!!!! U don't agree with me don't drop me a nasty comment because i will kick you ass!!!


alongTG said...

i agreed with you!!!!! Esther's fan made it wrong!!

Andrik McVean said...

rasakan...oren atau cocola? hehehehe

BMX wallpaper said...

hi, greeting from bike lover!

Anonymous said...

ur rite dude...

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