Friday 3 October 2008

I was so busy with my project friday's afternoon..

Yeasss.....i was so busy today (friday) with my project..i thought i as dying and i thought my brain has been stuck within source codes. LOL...over? yes..something like that. I think so. You know why? because i did realize my supervisior sent me an email and she said she is not satisfy with my system. Not all...but there are certain function she wants me to change to be more fancy so my system could looks more powerful. Fuhhh....ambik ko!!!!! i just converted my system to Object Oriented Programming method and now its time for me to do what she wants. I have to change the layout, icons arrangements, template...etc....oh..yeah...FYI..i've eaten so much chocolate when i'm doing programming...

Kan....almost finish...

Huuu...tmrw...will continue to do it

Ops....just rambling snap


Medusa said...

:P~ minta coklat ko andrik..? hehee.. xD *paning* paning* looking at ur coding thingy kaa tu..? lol. trus paning ni.. xD anyway.. sama laptop kita.. hehe.. only~ mine punya yg khas for gaming.. lmao!! xD

Andrik McVean said...

@beck...ko mau coklat kah? bah..nanti sia kirim ko..hehehehe

Tompinai paladius @ NiT said...

Bro..nda sia pandai komen pasal ne barang..hehehe.. tingu ja la..heheh.. :D

Andrik McVean said...

Rileks..ko bro..sia pun mau mati suda nie..hehehe

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