Tuesday 16 August 2011

Ikan keli afrika mak eloi eloi

Lots of them
Bloody hell
Sister and her children are feeding the fish
One of the things which i never seen before is "Keli Africa" or whatever you call it in English. I don't know the name in english as far as i concern i never seen this fish in the UK whether in the shop or serve in the restaurant. So when i went to its farm few days ago i was very impressed with the sizes of them. They are quite big and i must say very unusual (maybe not but because i never seen it before i thought they were quite big). Not only big but sooooooo big!!!! Bloody i repeat they are soooo big LOL! I was impressed!!! and i wonder how it tastes. LOL! Malay people like this fish because they can cook lemak cili padi....


Naomi said...

Ikan keli can be found in cemetery wet ground, especially in Sibu, Sarawak

Okayarms said...

Oh my, besar juga tu Keli Africa... and lots of them!

Zahirah said...

erk. banyaknya ikan. gerun tengok =____=

LahLah said...

Ikan keli ape pun ia mesti sedap.....tak caya cuba le sendiri. betul ni adik-adik. Dulu aku pun acam korang juga...geli dsb. Lihat2 di resturan, kedai makan eerh anak dara lawa pun makan ikan keli goreng...aku pun cuba...lama-lama jadi kegemaran pula.....utk memestikan ikan ini baik utk kesihatan....aku layarlah internet, puji TUHAN, ikan ciptaan NYA itu sungguh berkhasiat....rupa2nya lebih baik dari ikan sardin, ikan salmon dsb...makan di mana2 sekarang ikan keli le aku cari dulu, kalau tak ada barulah yg lain..

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