Tuesday 26 January 2010

I had my lunch in the Uni LRC

I'm browsing while i'm having my lunch...hehee..

Today is really a tiring day because i got up about 5.30 AM and it was a long day so many things i've done. Well, not that much but it makes me feel tired because of this and that. I spent most of my day in LRC and luckly the campus (or maybe the university) covered with wireless connections. The library is excellent, huge, flexible and very very comfortable...not like libraries in Malaysia..(oppsss...am sorry it doesn't mean i am insulting the libaries in Malaysia but it's a fact that the library on my campus is much better). Here are some examples;

1. In Malaysia, they allow you to take any food or drinks into library but in my campus, it does not metter at all. In fact, there is a beautiful cafe in the library. Isn't great?

2. There is no sofa for visitors, but in hert's library we've got beautiful sofas

3. You can't get wireless internet connection. But we've got wireless internet connection no metter where u are as long as you are on campus.

So there you go...i've got many more things to list down but it's enough for today because i knew that Malaysia is 50 years at the back compared to England. Anyway...i had my lunch and i had sandwich and chocolate drink. Mmm..it was very nice but as people of Dusun i still prefer a plate of rice with some "jinaruk bambangan" + "bosou" + "tuhau" + salted fish and some lemon + chilies...Blimey!!!!! i wish i could have it now.

Tmrw, i have to get up at 5.30 again and get ready...yeah..it's a busy week for me but nevermind as i am ready for it....

P/S: They said "You come to love not to find a prefect person"


gadis borneo said...

masam tu library yg di movie2 urg putih ka tu tampat?basar2...buli men tapuk2 lg...:D waaa....siyok....kc upload gmbar...sy sakai ni :)) haha

Andrik McVean said...

iya bah...buli main tapuk2 lagi nie..kalau sesat kena guna kompas mau cari jalan keluar..hahahaha

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