Monday 23 February 2009

One of the best films I ever seen

Hollllaaaaa...i was so busy today. O ya, for your information last week end i went to night market at Batu Ferenggi. So i bought 3 films. They are Slumdog Millionaire, the transporter III and also the Australia. Among these 3 DVDs i bought. I would like you all to see Slumdog Millionaire. This film is very very good. The story is very straight to the point and you can easily to understand it. The plot of the story is very interesting. I rated this film 5 stars. WOW!!! I can promise it is worth to buy this film. This film is about how a Slumdog (or a very poor boy) >> teringat plak pasal si ayu yang pernah kena cop sebagai underdog from sabah masa OIAM 2 dulu. OK..OK back to the story of this film. Its all about how a very poor boy wants to be a millionaire. He is very lucky because all the questions he knows the answers because the questions were all about his life since she was a boy. Ha has a very terrible life but he managed to be a millionaire. Wow!!! how lucky this boy. When i was browsing CNN website in the office and also yahoo news, i saw this films won eight OSCAR awards..such as best pictures, best director, best story, etc. So guys..what are you waiting for? go to the nearest CD shop and buy one. You will impress how indian made this film and how interesting this film is...A MUST SEE FILM!!!!


Unknown said...

sa mau tngok la ni..good insipiration ni..MILIONAIRE...

Andrik McVean said...

ya sumandak...mimang bagus kalau tinguk nie filem...ndak rugi kalau ko bili..hehhehe

Apple said...

Andrik, this is not an indian made i think but most of the actor are indian of cos. The language is English. Hv watched this movie earlier this month and its great,its not bout how to bcome a millionaire but a life story and how winning the show can get his love life back. A must see movie!

Andrik McVean said...

what ever cerita dia..tetap siok sia tinguk...hehehehe...memang layak filem nie terima anugerah oscar

Anonymous said...

Klu tingu cover mcm tiada harapan ja sya mau tingu hehehe.. Siok pula ni movie ni. Itulah orang bilang Don't Judge Book By Its Cover :D Bah klu sya jumpa di kadai, sya bili. Mau tingu jugalah hehehe

Andrik McVean said...

rugi ko kalau ko inda tingukoiga...siok nie film nie..

Anonymous said...

this movie is loosely based on a book by Vikas Swarup. it is called Q and A. buy the book and read it. you'll get even better story. i love both the movie and the book. but i love the book more.

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