Monday 5 May 2008

Posotif prove of global warming

hello guys...I just submitted my research proposal today and just and wait next semester. I've struggled so much for my studies this semester because my pointer was downed so much last semester. After my very unexpected result last two semesters, i didn't put too much effort on my studies last semester. So....the effect of result downed (but still unexpected actually...because i thought it was really worst). I still remember, last semester, when my friend Oman told me the result has been announced i got up of my lunch and checked my result. Dowing!!!!Dowing!!! Gosh!! still unexpected actually but not as good as the previous semester. But never mind, I'm sure i will got it back this semester. Except...something wrong with my luck..LOL!! Actually nothing so much, I just want to share you all with this funny picture illustrates how the global warming became more serious and here is the prove.

so what do you think? is it trend? or style? or the prove of global warming? LOL!


Spot a Leopard said...

HAHAHAHAA!!! cool pix! i like the way u review those other blogs, very concise and true, mind to review mine? (only if you got time)...tnx!

Anonymous said...

it was fuckin' Shit you bitch

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